Timoshenko Medal and Lectures.
The Timoshenko Medal is a prestigious award given annually in recognition of distinguished contributions to the field of applied mechanics. Named after Stephen Timoshenko, a pioneering engineer and educator in mechanics, the medal honors his substantial influences on the modern engineering mechanics field. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) established this medal in 1957.
Medal Description
The Timoshenko Medal itself typically features an effigy or symbol representing Stephen Timoshenko, along with inscriptions denoting the name of the award and the year it is presented. It is made from a noble metal, often accompanied by a certificate and a monetary prize.
Selection Process
Awardees of the Timoshenko Medal are selected based on their outstanding contributions to the field of applied mechanics. The selection process involves several steps:
1. Nominations: Candidates for the medal are nominated by their peers within the mechanics community. These nominations are usually accompanied by letters of recommendation and documentation of the nominee’s contributions.
2. Committee Review: The nominations are reviewed by a committee, typically consisting of previous awardees and other distinguished members of the field. This committee evaluates the contributions of each nominee based on originality, impact, and enhancement of the understanding of physical phenomena in applied mechanics.
3. Voting: After a thorough review, committee members vote on the candidates. The nominee who receives the most votes is selected as the medalist for that year.
4. Approval by ASME: The final decision made by the committee is submitted to the governing bodies of the ASME for approval.
5. Award Ceremony: The medal is formally awarded at an annual ASME conference, where the recipient is often invited to deliver a lecture on a topic of their choice, related to their contributions to the field.
This rigorous selection process ensures that the medal is awarded to individuals who have truly advanced the field of applied mechanics, reflecting the spirit of innovation and excellence embodied by Stephen Timoshenko.

Photograph of the Timoshenko Medal